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In the Forex world

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1Forex - In the Forex world Empty Re: In the Forex world Sat Nov 12, 2022 8:11 am

Sariat Saimum

beginners should start trading with baby pips school which contains all basic knowledge and experience, have you finished at all this ?

2Forex - In the Forex world Empty Re: In the Forex world Wed Aug 05, 2020 8:07 pm

Sariat Saimum

In this market place, Skill in managing capital is indispensable trading well because by having  a good capital management will allows us to trade with the maximum and we will be trading much longer. To survive then we need to be smart to manage capital well.

3Forex - In the Forex world Empty In the Forex world Sun May 10, 2020 9:16 am

J Martin

In the Forex world, there are two sorts of spreads offered by Forex Brokers towards their traders. This implies they can trade shrink on a Fixed spread or Variable spread as it were. There are numerous traders that will choose to open an account with a particular Broker simply because of the spread sort that the Broker offers.

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