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DomusFX Forex strategies

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1Forex - DomusFX Forex strategies Empty DomusFX Forex strategies Tue Jun 01, 2021 3:14 pm



Time frame (1 hour, 1 day)
Indicators: (multiple of 7) 7 SMA, 14 SMA, 21 SMA.

Currency Pairs: Any
Current strategy applies the same principles as Strategy Fast moving averages crossover

Entry rules: When 7 SMA goes through 14 and continues through 21, BUY/SELL in the direction of 7 SMA once price gets through 21 SMA.

Exit rules: exit when 7 SMA goes back and touches 21 SMA.
Advantages: again it is an easy set up and does not require any calculations or other studies. Can produce very good results during strong market moves, the system also can be easily programmed and traded automatically.
Disadvantages: System requires periodical monitoring according to a chosen time frame. SMA indicator signal can be confirmed after the current price bar has been fully formed and closed.In other words, when SMA stops changing and the signal is fixed, traders may rely on such information to open a trade.

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DomusFx Ltd is a Marshall Island company with registration no. 101452, registered at Trust Company Complex, Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake Island, Majuro, MH 96960, Republic of Marshall Islands.

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