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where you choose Forex ?

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1Forex - where you choose Forex ?  Empty Re: where you choose Forex ? Mon Apr 29, 2024 2:35 pm


You can participate in forex trading through online forex brokers or financial institutions that offer forex trading services. These platforms provide access to the global forex market, allowing traders to buy and sell currency pairs using trading platforms and executing trades electronically.

2Forex - where you choose Forex ?  Empty Re: where you choose Forex ? Mon Apr 10, 2023 10:05 pm

Sariat Saimum

In the present world from any other profession Forex trading is most comfortable and suitable to earn money in a proper way, but you have make sure some mandatory rules for that . but practically mostly traders are loser from here due to lack of exact trading knowledge which is the key to success in this volatile trading place. Besides good trading knowledge it is also important to ensure proper trading plan , money management , risk management and obviously a reliable support from a credible trading broker.

3Forex - where you choose Forex ?  Empty where you choose Forex ? Thu Mar 30, 2023 10:52 pm

Sariat Saimum

Forex trading is a place where we actually come to make money more but become loser ultimately , because of just emotions.

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