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Leman Trend Alert VertexFX

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1Leman Trend Alert VertexFX Empty Leman Trend Alert VertexFX Mon May 11, 2015 5:25 pm



This is a client side VTL script for VertexFX Terminal

Leman Trend indicator tries to identify the trend direction by measuring price acceleration. For price acceleration, Leman trend uses 3 different periods. The upward momentum of price is plotted as a green line and downward momentum as a red line.

When the upward momentum rises above downward momentum, (green line crossing above red line) trend direction is up and the opposite for down trend. The green and red line cross over can be used for trading signals. When green line rises above red line, price is expected to trade higher and when red line rises above green line, price is expected to trade down.

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