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Silver Corp. (AG)

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1Silver Corp. (AG) Empty Silver Corp. (AG) Tue Jan 31, 2017 7:46 pm



Silver Corp. (AG), $9.43

Weekly Chart
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Trade:   Over $9.65, we recommend buying 10 April 7 calls (80 DTE) for and selling the Feb 10 calls at the mid-point (currently $2.95/share).   This trade is called a bullish diagonal.  The intent is to profit from the longer term ITM calls while reducing our cost basis by selling closer OTM calls to reduce our cost basis.  This trade alert is good until cancelled since it will be bullish when triggers.  Note:  Holding over earnings is higher risk.

Strategy:    Anticipated breakout daily and weekly charts, with bullish reverse head and shoulders pattern weekly and bullish engulfing monthly with price void above.

Max Loss:  Debit paid.
Stop Loss:  $8.48.

source: mastertrader

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