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Price Interest Point.

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1Price Interest Point. Empty Re: Price Interest Point. Mon Mar 27, 2017 2:16 pm


Pip system is briefly known as price interest point. Basically in currencies are traded in forex using pip system. By the mathematical formula each and every currencies price interest value is set.

2Price Interest Point. Empty Re: Price Interest Point. Mon Mar 27, 2017 7:11 am

Stuart Broad

Stuart Broad

Yeah everyone must know about the basics and try to build on that later. It goes without saying that one needs a good broker too so that the time, effort and money is utilized efficiently. I was doing fairly well with Alpari Uk but later they went bankrupt during one market crash and I lost all my deposit & profits and had to start all over again! Hence with some good preparation one can earn well else regret later.

3Price Interest Point. Empty Price Interest Point. Tue Mar 21, 2017 8:42 am

Stephen Fleming

Currencies are traded in forex by using price interest point also known as pip system. Every currency has its own pip value that is determined by mathematical formula. Some of the pip values are fixed and some fluctuate. The pip values are not too important to understand, as the main goal is to gain as many pips as possible.

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