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What exactly is a Forex Signal?

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1What exactly is a Forex Signal? Empty Re: What exactly is a Forex Signal? Thu Oct 31, 2024 11:32 am


A Forex signal is a suggestion or alert indicating a potential trading opportunity based on market analysis. Signals can include specific entry and exit points, currency pairs to trade, and trade direction (buy or sell). Traders use these signals to make informed decisions and enhance their trading strategies. LQDFX’s analyst team provide signals to traders frequently so they can be the gainer.

2What exactly is a Forex Signal? Empty Re: What exactly is a Forex Signal? Wed Sep 13, 2017 1:30 pm

Eric Young

A forex signal is a recommendation for entering a trade on a currency pair, for the most part at a particular price and time. The signal is produced either by a human examiner or a mechanized Forex robot provided to a supporter of the forex flag benefit.

3What exactly is a Forex Signal? Empty Re: What exactly is a Forex Signal? Tue Jul 25, 2017 1:49 am

Stuart Broad

Stuart Broad

Forex signal is basically entry and exit points with price in the market. One can buy paid or free signals from many sources on net or make their own by self-analysis.

4What exactly is a Forex Signal? Empty Re: What exactly is a Forex Signal? Mon Jun 19, 2017 3:25 am



Information feeds from trading sources in the currency markets are commonly known as forex signals. These are used as suggestions for entering a trade by guiding users in their decision whether to sell or buy a given currency pair. While there are thousands of methods being given in the market for a successful trade, these signals are essential to give users huge trading advantages.

5What exactly is a Forex Signal? Empty What exactly is a Forex Signal? Thu Jun 15, 2017 10:47 am



Many people ask me like this "I am beginning to learn about Forex Trading. I heard people talk about if there is a good signal you can make money from it. Or create their own signal stuff like that............. 

Last edited by gandra on Thu Jun 15, 2017 1:23 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : unacceptable advertising)

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