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Extend Trendlines Tool - VertexFX

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1Extend Trendlines Tool - VertexFX Empty Extend Trendlines Tool - VertexFX Fri 16 Aug 2019 - 9:46


Extend Trend Lines is a VTL Client-side indicator for elongating the trend lines on the chart to the last bar. Traders usually draw trend lines on the chart and use them as support resistance levels. When a trend line breakout happens, it is the beginning of a new trend. One issue with trend lines drawn manually on the chart is that they do not get elongated when new bars form on the chart. It should be manually adjusted with new bars.  Extend Trend Lines VTL Indicator takes care of this situation. It automatically adjusts all trend lines on the chart to the last bar. It monitors the trend lines on each new bar and adjust them.  This is useful when the trader opens the terminal on a new day and the old trend lines are short and need adjustments.
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