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1"Bilbo  Empty Re: "Bilbo Sun 15 Mar 2020 - 22:24


Global Moderator

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Hello dear fellow traders,

Finally, the new version * 1.2 of Bilbo expert advisor is published and is available for download on the following link: 

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There are a lot of new and pretty good things, extra good ones. I'll try to explain everything about the robot in the best way possible what is new and what I imagined, and how the system should be work.
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The main set of Inputs:
These three options must be set or robot it won't work.

  • Set Volume. Input lot size.
  • Set Stop Loss. Input stop size in pips.
  • Set Take Profit.  Input takes profit in pips. Everything else is happening between these two lines, take-profit and stop-loss. That's the main idea. 
  • Input Comment. This option allows you to put your comment who will be visible in the comment section on the platform and will be visible in the trading report. So, if you use two or more robots for trading on the same currencies pair, on a different time frame you will always know and you will see which of the robots opened and closed orders. Or maybe you can use the same robot on the different time frames on the same currency pair, in that case, you have the possibility to input different comment in the comment section, which makes it easier for you to view your trading statistics later, etc.
  • BUY/SELL. This option allows choosing between two types of order. Maybe you want only to buy for some reason, or vise versa.  
  • Trailing Stop. Using this option you can protect your profit.
  • Fast Stop.  This option closes the order in profit on the adjusted level.
  • Break-Even Stop. This option moved your stop loss on the Zero. So this is something like preventing losses.
  • Dev Point / Slip Page. Check your chosen broker whether it has slippage or not. If not, then it's no need to use this option, otherwise, you need to use it.
  • Order Type Filling. Have or maybe it is better to say offer three types of order filling: ORDER_FILLING_FOK, ORDER_FILLING_IOC, and ORDER_FILLING_RETURN.


  • Magic Number. This magic number is not involved in any kind of decision for any reason but is involved in adding a unique number to each ticket for open/close or modified order.
  • Trade-in percentage according to your balance level. This option is optional it can be used or not. So, if you want to use these options then the system will be open and close order on the set level for taking profit in percentage and stop loss in percentage according to your balance level in the given moment of time. Don't forget you need to Set Stop Loss and Set Take Profit level at the beginning because it will be not possible to start the expert. This options trade between these two lines and represent something like an extra option for trading.
  • Profit in currency. Whit this option you can use profit in currency. So, this option is also optional.
  • Balance Stop. If you want to protect your current balance level, this option gives you that possibility. So, in the section input starting balance, you need to input your current balance level. That level must be the lower of the current balance, or the same, but not must be higher. In other input, you need to set maximal loss. So, if your total loss is equal or higher than your maximal loss system will be stopped, close last order, and the robot will not trade anymore. Then you must restart your expert and set new inputs. So, the main idea is, if your losses are higher or equal of set losses the expert advisor will stop all trading operations, that's the main idea of this option.
  • Equity Stop. Working on the same principles as the Balance Stop above, but in this case, you use equity instead of your balance.
  • Time Control. This option only controls the time of trading and nothing else.
  • Indicator. In this case, it is the Bollinger Bands indicator whit his set of inputs.
  • Price Time Frame. Here we have two options for optimization. Each of these options is involved in design making logic.
  • Candle Time. This option represents the time of born of the new bar or candle, and has two inputs time and shift.

That would be the shortest possible explanation for this robot. The whole system has not yet been optimized. So, I strongly recommend optimization for each currency pair separately.

That's all for now,


2"Bilbo  Empty New Bilbo v 1.1 Sun 23 Feb 2020 - 16:07


Global Moderator

Hello guys,

I'm finally finding some time to post something about the new version. There is a lot of new stuff and there will be more, but it will take me a while to finish and check it out everything.

What's new?

- Some text description is fixed. These text mistakes don't affect the proper work of the EA, but you know is not so nice if you see something like, "Time Frime"  instead of the Time Frame and so on.

- Insert comment. So, this is good stuff, because if you use more then one EA on the same currency pair on the different time frame it's easy to check which of this two EA is open order and will be easy to check trading statistics for each EA separately because you will see in the comment section your comment for the each EA separately. For example, you can insert "order by Bilbo" and for other  EA "order by something", etc..

-  Spread. You can't control the spread but whit this option you can avoid open order in the time whit the highest spread. Spread will be calculated in points, and if this option is active you will see small info on your screen about spread level in points for current instrument. So, this option is optional, you can use it or not.

- Time Control.  This option is also optional. If you use this option, you will control intraday trading time and transition in a new day. If you wish, you can set the robot to open orders only between 21:00 up to 02:00 of the next day, etc..

- Trailing Stop. This option has a brand new code. Old code is good, but the new code is better.

- BUY/SELL fixed. If you tried demo version 1.0 you probably noticed a small mess. If you choose only to buy the system open sell and vise versa.

- Controlling the risk on multiple levels. It will be more math than ever. As you probably now the market condition is unpredictable, and it's very difficult to make signal logic to open order in the right direction immediately in profit. In some cases is possible, but in some cases is not possible, because every new single day has different news and so on. But if you have the ability to control risk for each trade on a different level you can avoid big losses, etc...

- New signal logic. Here, the signal will be generated over multiple time frames. It will be inserted logic for price level on the different time frames and included in the signal and one more BB indicator whit different deviations, etc...

Screenshots of the new version:
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Whats happen whit the old version?

So, old version trade along whit other EA's. Take a look at the pictures from my platform:
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Bilbo will be better than ever. Now I'm on the halfway, but I'm working every day on this new version, so by my calculation, I need a month to finish this job. Everything is constructed in my head already, I only need to bring this idea into code and finish this new version.

3"Bilbo  Empty Re: "Bilbo Sun 2 Feb 2020 - 11:29


Global Moderator

You are welcome.

4"Bilbo  Empty Re: "Bilbo Sat 1 Feb 2020 - 1:10


Great work , i would love to share a lot of ideas here.

5"Bilbo  Empty Re: "Bilbo Thu 30 Jan 2020 - 11:02


Global Moderator

Hi guys,

Take a look new video from my strategy tester.

I'm not spending to much time to testing  Bible EA.  Just I finished this expert, immediately was deployed on my live account and "Tokyo" trading signal. So, this robot trade on my other demo account on almost all available currencies pair from the market watch.

This is the screenshot from my live account, I will explaining this chart's later:
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All trading history up to today's day:
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My live signal is ranked on 354 positions for now. As you can see its 100% Algo trading.
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You can easily find me in MT5 platform, in the signals section:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Before 5 minutes ago my profile became visible on FXJunction too.
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

The new year starting whit my two EA's, but these two projects started last year.  So, it would be nice to start this new year with one new project, and that's happened last night. My new EA in the code name "Runner" starting his life. I don't know how many times I will spend on this to take care of everything and finish this EA. My calculations are about two, maybe three months. So, regarding the different colors on the chart above. These different colors present a different set of inputs. That's would be all, for now, see you.

6"Bilbo  Empty "Bilbo Tue 28 Jan 2020 - 10:44


Global Moderator

Hi guys,

Bilbo is my new EA finished before a couple of days. Now is trading on 39 currency pairs at the same time on the H1 timeframe. What I love about this robot is the fact that he opens a trade in the right direction with no lag, and that's mean you are in profit immediately. Also, other characteristics of this EA is there is no too much opened and close order for a month. Maybe you will have one, two or three open/close buy/sell, and that's it.

Let's take a look picture:
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USDTRY from today:
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EURTRY from today:
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Open order:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Closed Order before 5 minutes:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Bilbo EA is approved but is not yet available on the MQL5 marketplace, because you know I must make some logo, description and so on. In the meantime will be tested on my demo account, to check everything properly in real-time.

So, guys, that's all for now

Last edited by gandra on Wed 3 Jun 2020 - 16:19; edited 2 times in total

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