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Trading is risky business

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1Trading is risky business Empty Re: Trading is risky business Tue Nov 10, 2020 2:44 pm

Sariat Saimum

95% loser, I am not agree. I think only 70-80% are failing in this business , actually loss is an inevitable in Forex trading but loss comes when we trade blindly and without having knowledge , experience and skill, otherwise Forex is a lucrative business if we will do it with proper planning and strategy.

2Trading is risky business Empty Trading is risky business Sun May 10, 2020 9:10 am

J Martin

Trading is risky business since anybody would loss be able to immense cash in a couple of moments seconds. This is the motivation behind why money management and psychology assume extremely critical part in trading. As it is a risky business that's why there is risk management rules. Every trade needs to follow risk management policy according to his or her trading style

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